The Lottery of Life

They say we have more chance of walking up to a complete stranger in the street and guessing their telephone number (with dialling code!) than winning. They say we are more likely to be run down by a car in a road accident than to have the magic 6 numbers each week. But, someone's got to win. It could be you. It hasn't me been. Yet.

Each Saturday night, I work up a sweat
It's 8pm and I've placed my bet
On TV the programmes are just a preamble
To the one where my fortune lies in a gamble
The balls are released, they're off and they're rollin'
But none of them are the ones that I've chosen
I haven't yet even won a tenner
If I did, I'd feel a little better
Maybe it's the way that I choose my numbers
>From birthdays, anniversaries, counting patterns on jumpers
Should I choose them afresh, right from the beginning
In the hope that it gives me more chance of winning?
Should I be scientific, use mathematics, statistics?
I could spend all day working out the logistics
But in the end, does it really matter?
It's just not fair, it's never me
I'll never win the lottery.

Glenda Young is also the writer of the weekly Coronation Street Update on the net, and can be contacted at:

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